Inktober 2019 Day 23 – Ancient

I of course thought about the Acropolis when I heard ancient. I miss Greece, the culture and history all around. Iceland is rather poor in that respect.

Edit: I added some clouds to the drawing. Felt it looked a bit empty in the upper part.

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Inktober 2019 Day 21 – Treasure

Books! A real treasure. I keep accumulating books but I cannot keep up with the reading. So my resolution is, to use the winter months to catch up with it! What about you?

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Inktober 2019 Day 20 – Tread

I couldn´t really think of anything for this prompt,  so I made the little fox cross a creek on his adventure to… the unknown.

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Inktober 2019 Day 15 – Legend

The only legend I could think of was that of a unicorn. Also there is the saying, that if you can be a unicorn, be a unicorn.

Happy Monday!

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Inktober 2019 Day 14 – Overgrown

I wanted to draw another dragon. This one went to take a nap in the forest. After a long slumber he woke up only to discover that he was surrounded by forest flora and fauna.

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Inktober 2019 Day 9 – Swing

Of course the only swing that came to mind was an aerial hoop ring. What better way to swing around and have fun in the air!

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Inktober 2019 Day 10 – Pattern

I actually caught up with my ink drawings but my camera is on strike… so just one fashionable fox at the moment inspired by Brian´s travellers series on Equinoxio. Don´t ask me how I ended up with this fox…!?


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Inktober 2019 Day 5 – Build

I loved Tetris when I was young. Would play it hours on end until I would see little moving cubes behind my closed eyelids.

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