Inktober 2019 Day 1 – Ring

I really was looking forward to Inktober this year, after I had so much fun last year! Check it out here.

I got my ink and sketchbook already ready a week ago. After a quiet month of not drawing a lot I was looking forward to get into it again. And I really missed using ink. Of course I already managed to get ink all over my hands. Wouldn´t be inktober without that! So let´s have fun with this!

I’m going to follow the official Inktober prompt list again. Maybe in combination with a little fox. Lets see what happens.

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Cat Yoga II

Another drawing from Greece, back in May.

One of the cats at the pole studio in Athens enjoys lying under people while they are doing the plank. What better motivation than to hold the plank just a little bit longer? Cat-cercise…? Is that a thing?

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Cat Yoga I

Lazy Saturday morning. Trying to get up to do some yoga… I found this drawing that I did back in May when I was still in Athens and enjoying the sun. I really miss Greece….

Inspiration was the two cats they have at the pole studio, where I went for aerial hoop training in Athens. Whenever you put the mat down on the ground to stretch, one of the cats would come and lie down on it and claim the space or sharpen its nails on the mat. It was actually a lot of fun to have them around as entertainment.

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World Watercolor Month Wrap-Up

Finished later than planned but eventually did it. My 31 prompts for World Watercolour Month of 2019. In addition to following the prompt list I also tried to incorporate a traveller theme.

I had a lot of fun with this one. I feel that I got a lot faster at sketching, and proportions and people come easier to me now after a month (and a half) of almost consistent daily drawing. I will definitely keep going. Time to look for another challenge… Any suggestions?

Which one is your favourite?

I think mine are the pooping monkeys (#22) and me relaxing in the hammock (#16).

Day 31 – Favourite Colours #WorldWatercolorMonth

Made it to the last prompt of World Watercolor Month – Favorite Colors! I was at a total loss of what to draw, so I took my favourite photo of me and the boyfriend from our fabulous Crete trip in April as inspiration, and just went with it. It is basically us monkeying around in a beautiful forest.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Day 30 – Wild Things #WorldWatercolorMonth

Almost there, almost a month late! Too many things & lovely visitors happened in between to keep up the daily routine. Oh well…  It’s almost weekend again.

Not sure I´ll be partying like one of those wild things… The inspiration for this prompt was spring break… I witnessed it once last year in Mexico by accident, and hope I will never again!

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Day 29 – Glorious Green #WorldWatercolorMonth

Took me while what green to focus on. So I took a forest / jungle walk. Tranquillity and colours of the forest. Just loving it!

Do you like to get lost in a forest?

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Day 27 – Fruits #WorldWatercolorMonth

Fruits anyone? Whenever I am travelling, I love to go to the local markets and try new things. Or just get my dose of tasty fruits which are almost impossible to find in Iceland.

This drawing turned out rather cartoonish. Trying out different things with the remaining prompts.

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Day 26 – Natural Wonders #WorldWatercolorMonth

So July ended and I am 5 drawings short for #WorldWatercolorMonth.

My excuse is that we had a long weekend coming up here in Iceland and I went on a road trip around the East Fjords of Iceland. It was marvellous but I am also glad to be back home and not to sleep in a tent any more in 10 degrees Celsius.

Prompt for day 26 – Natural Wonders. For a long time I wanted to draw these two Instagram models that I took a photo of at the Grand Cenote near Tulum, Mexico last year. They spend about an hour taking selfies without ever looking at any of the natural wonders around them.  Then they left, with their makeup and hair still perfectly intact. They were quite a source of amusement for the people that were actually having fun swimming in the cold clear waters.

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Day 25 – Shades of Pink #WorldWatercolorMonth

Day 25 of #WorldWatercolorMonth – Shades of Pink. I am behind because we are having a long weekend here in Iceland and I am actually camping! This only happens once a year. I do not like to be out in the cold…

Ever entered a hotel and where like WTF or OMG when did they last renovate this place? This pink setting is not the worst I can imagine though. With a pink cocktail it might actually be quite pleasant. Somehow I have Welcome to the Hotel California stuck in my head.

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Day 24 – Treats #WorldWatercolorMonth

Treats! I thought I try something different. I decided I need to start experimenting more! I love how the girl on the right turned out. Not what she expected…

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Day 23 – Beach Fun #WorldWatercolorMonth

I was watching a Mexican family build a beautiful big sand shark when I was on holiday in Tulum/ Mexico last year. I took several photos of it as it was so cool. That was the inspiration for prompt of day 23 – beach fun. What´s the best thing you build on a beach?

The Jack Russel Terrier in the corner is in memory of the dog we had when I grew up. She loved to dig holes in the sand. The bigger the better.

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Day 22 – Rainforest #WorldWatercolorMonth

Prompt 22 – rain forests – for #WorldWatercolorMonth2019

Inspired by my visit in Tikal, Guatemala, a few years ago. First time for me in the jungle. We went on a sunrise morning tour around to Mayan ruins. I was still sleepy and had no idea what the guide wanted from me when he almost yelled at us to stay clear of the trees. A few moments after we saw and heard the poop droppings coming down like bombs. The monkeys clearly enjoyed their morning shit.

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Day 21 – Patterns #WorldWatercolorMonth

I am pretty sure everyone has seen these kind of tourists at some point? Or are you even one of them?? The guy reminds me of Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreations. It´s definitely the moustache!

Happy lazy Sunday afternoon everyone! At least that´s what I am having.

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Day 19 – Splashes of Color #WorldWatercolorMonth

I was reminded of the beautiful street art of Mexico city when I thought of splashes of colour.

This is my own street art mock up. Tried to incorporate my traveller theme as well in the drawing.

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Day 17 – Music #WorldWatercolorMonth

I do like street musicians, if they are good.

The weather has been quite good the last couple of days so I am a bit behind. If the sun is out here, you should go out. As I keep saying, you never know when it starts snowing again.

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