Return of the Honey Badger

It’s been a while since I drew a honey badger. After what feels like days of sleep deprivation, I feel like drinking coffee is not enough anymore… Give me that bucket!

Art vs. Artist

There was this art vs artist posts on Instagram and I am late to the party but this was the image I put together.

It has been a though year with many downs put I have certainly learned a lot illustration wise. I still feel like I have a long way to go until I get to where I want my illustrations to be, but hey, it’s a journey.

Curious to see how my style and skills will further develop throughout the year.

What are you looking forward to?

Art vs Artist 2021_Melanie Franz

First coffee. Scheme later. Part II.

Monday once again. Random post update. Time to activate your inner honey badger.

This guy is also part of the Honey Badger Collection on Society 6.

Inktober Day 27 – Spark

Inktober is finished. The last days passed by way to quickly and I am again 3 drawings short as I think every year. Halloween parties always come in the way…. Also I was working obsessively on another illustration project during the weekend. You will get a glimpse of it soon.

Anyway, I will do the 3 remaining prompts maybe later today. Meanwhile lets start the week with some cake!

Follow Your Own Advise

Another week over…

When you think you know what is best but then you have problems to follow your own smartass advice…

Good to have a reminder.

You can also find this little guy in my Society 6 shop.

Honey Badger don’t care about Lemons

Be like honey badger!

If you fancy getting your own supportive honey badger, check out my Society 6 shop.

I’ll be adding more honey badgers at the end of the week to the collection.